Friday, April 8, 2011

Daily Image April 8,2011

What do you see? Describe what is happening.
  • I see a elderly male which looks like he is walking on a really thin rope with his bare feet.
What colors, shapes and lines?
  • Green grass, gray mountains, vertical line
5 xpressive words
  • Bravery, Courage, Boldness, Adventurousness, Braveness

What is the meaning of this image?
  • The meaning of this image could be that he has and amazing talent which no one can do or he is a very competitive person who like to try new and different things.
Rules of Compositon:
  • This image uses rules of third becauseeenen though theres alot od descriptive things in the background the main focus is on the male; bascially he is the money spot.

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